Getting started with Brightway25!


Brightway2 is a Python library for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). It is a powerful tool for performing LCA calculations, and it is widely used in the LCA community. Brightway2 is open-source and free to use, and it has a large and active community of users and developers.

In this post, we will show you how to get started with Brightway2. We will cover the basics of setting up a Brightway project, importing the ecoinvent database, and performing a simple LCA calculation.


  • Python
  • Brightway2
  • ecoinvent database

Install Python (windows, mac or linux)

Windows and Mac

  1. Download the latest version of Python from the official website: Python Downloads
  2. Run the installer and make sure to check the box that says “Add Python to PATH”
  3. Click “Install Now” and wait for the installation to complete
  4. Open a command prompt and type python --version to check that Python is installed correctly



sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3


sudo dnf install python3


sudo yum install python3

Install Anaconda (optional but we need it for this tutorial)

  1. Download the latest version of Anaconda from the official website: Anaconda Downloads
  2. Run the installer and follow the instructions

Install Brightway25

First create a new environment in Anaconda:

conda create -n bw python=3.11

Activate the environment:

conda activate bw

Install Brightway2:

pip install brightway25

From here on, you can use Brightway2 in your Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks. but you need to be sure to activate the environment before running your scripts or notebooks. Using an IDE like PyCharm or VSCode is also recommended.

Setting up a Brightway project with ecoinvent

Warning: This method is deprecated because bw2setup is deprecated. Use the newer method described below. Newer Method

import bw2data as bd
import bw2io as bi

The Classic way to set up a Brightway project with ecoinvent

def base_setup_with_ecoinvent(
    project_name: str,
    db_name: str,
    db_loc: str,
    reparametrize_lognormals: bool = True,
    This method sets up a Brightway project with the ecoinvent database.

    db_name : str
        The name of the database to import
    db_loc : str
        The location of the database to import (e.g. "C:/Users/.../ecoinvent 3.7.1_cutoff_ecoSpold02/datasets"))
    reparametrize_lognormals : bool, optional
        Whether or not to reparametrize lognormal distributions, by default True (recommended)
        This sets the mean of the lognormal distribution to static value of the LCA calculation.
        This is recommended because the default behavior of Brightway is to set the mean of the lognormal distribution to the value of the LCA calculation.
        This can lead to problems when performing Monte Carlo LCA calculations, because the mean of the lognormal distribution will change with each iteration.
        This can lead to a large number of iterations being required to reach convergence.

    # set the project, it will create a new project if it does not exist

    # imports biosphere flows, it will skip if already done

    # get the path to the datasets folder
    db_dir = db_loc
    # give a name to the database
    data_base_name = db_name
    # check if the database is already in the project, and skip if yes
    if data_base_name in bd.databases:
        print("Database has already been imported")

        # import database
        db = bi.SingleOutputEcospold2Importer(



        # db.drop_unlinked(True)
        # writes database into sql
        print("Database has been imported")

How to use the function

    "ecoinvent 3.7.1_cutoff_ecoSpold02",
    "C:/Users/.../ecoinvent 3.7.1_cutoff_ecoSpold02/datasets",

What does the function do?

This function sets up a Brightway project with the ecoinvent database. It imports the biosphere flows, and then imports the ecoinvent database. It also reparametrizes lognormal distributions, which is recommended because the default behavior of Brightway is to set the mean of the lognormal distribution to the value of the LCA calculation. This can lead to problems when performing Monte Carlo LCA calculations, because the mean of the lognormal distribution will change with each iteration. This can lead to a large number of iterations being required to reach convergence.

The newer approach to set up a Brightway project with ecoinvent


                            system_model="consequential", # or whatever system model you want

What does the newer approach do?

It downloads the ecoinvent database from the internet and imports it into the Brightway project.

The fastest LCA of all time

import bw2data as bd
import bw2calc as bc
import bw2io as bi
import numpy as np

Activate the project

bd.Database("ecoinvent 3.7.1_cutoff_ecoSpold02").random().lca(bd.methods.random()).score

Let’s break it down:

Pick a random activity

act = bd.Database("ecoinvent 3.7.1_cutoff_ecoSpold02").random()

Pick a random method

method = bd.methods.random()

Perform the LCA


🎉 Yay! You’ve completed your first LCA with Brightway2! 🎉

Other useful functions

Get the list of methods


Get the list of databases


Get a list of projects


Choose and search a database

db = bd.Database("ecoinvent 3.7.1_cutoff_ecoSpold02")"electricity")

Choose and search a method

method = bd.Method(("IPCC 2013", "climate change", "GWP 100a"))

search for a method

method = [m for m in bd.methods if "GWP" in m[0]]

Get the activity as a dictionary


Backups and restores

backup the project directory


This will create a zip file in the current directory with the name which is stored based on your OS in the HOME directory.

restore the project directory


What is Brightway?

refer to Brightway

What is ecoinvent?

refer to ecoinvent

Haitham AbuGhaida
Haitham AbuGhaida
PhD student

My research interests include everything LCA, Buildings, and BIM.